Wake Electric members can sign up for the co-op to purchase and retire additional solar RECS on their behalf. One solar REC represents the renewable attributes associated with 1,000 kWh and will be priced at $10 per 1,000 kWh. That’s an extra 1 cent per kWh.
No long term commitment is required, so feel free to cancel your additional solar REC request at any time if you change your mind. To sign up for additional solar RECs, please contact customer service during regular business hours, M-F, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., at 919.863.6300 or 800.474.6300 or at information@wemc.com.
For more on Wake Electric’s Solar REC program, read through the details in the co-op’s rate schedule, Rider SP-1.
For the Wake Electric’s entire rate schedule, click here.
How does Wake Electric manage solar RECs?
Wake Electric’s compliance strategy with the NC Renewable Portfolio Standard requires 10 percent of Wake Electric’s energy resources to be renewable by 2018.
In implementing that strategy, Wake Electric has signed 20-year contracts for over 100 million kWh per year of NC solar renewable energy certificates (RECs) or the equivalent of more than 15,000 residential scale rooftop installations.
While Wake Electric has contracted with more than 25 large solar farms across eastern NC, none are directly connected to Wake Electric’s distribution system.
This is the same approach primarily used by companies like Apple, Google, and Amazon in meeting their sustainability goals. Of course, the difference for us in that our compliance is not optional but is required by state law.
While Wake Electric has 10 percent of your energy use covered with renewables (primarily solar RECs), a number of members have asked how they might cover some or all of the other 90 percent.