Vegetation Management

To safeguard the public and the reliability of our electric system, including your service, Wake Electric implements a vegetation management program to control the growth of trees and other vegetation around our facilities and rights-of-way. Routine vegetation maintenance helps prevent outages and enhances safety.

Wake Electric employs contractors and tree-trimming specialists for rights-of-way maintenance and underground transformer clearance. Please do not approach these crews as they work near your property since safety hazards exist. If you have an immediate concern, please call us at 919.863.6300 or toll-free at 800.474.6300.

Where We’re Working

To provide transparency and convenience for our members, we now offer updates on where our vegetation management teams are currently working. Check the map below to see the current locations of tree trimming, spraying, and other maintenance


Underground/transformer clearing

Key Activities

  • Tree Pruning: Prevents blinks and outages.
  • Hazard Tree Removal: Removes dangerous trees within rights-of-way.
  • Brush and Small Tree Mowing: Keeps access clear.
  • Herbicide Application: Controls small trees for long-term management.
  • Underground Transformer Clearances: Maintain 10-foot clearance around underground equipment for safe and reliable service.