“Give Us an A” Student Awards Program

About the Program

Wake Electric is awarding forty $25 gift cards to area students who received at least one “A” (or its equivalent) on their report cards. These awards are part of a drawing held three times a year.

Our next drawing will be held on May 20th, 2025.

Congrats to our January 2025 winners!


Students in any grade in Durham, Franklin, Granville, Johnston, Nash, Vance and Wake counties may apply.

How to Enter

To enter, students must include:

  • A copy of the report card with any “A”s highlighted
  • Parents’ or guardians’ names (if applicable)
  • Home address
  • Email address that is checked regularly
  • School attending
  • Telephone Number


Report cards can be emailed to communications@wemc.com or mailed to 228 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596.  Please include the information requested above. NOTE: Because each school district may have a different time for issuing report cards, if a student’s entry misses one deadline, the entry will automatically be included in the next drawing.