For our commercial and industrial members, Wake Electric offers:

  • Interruptible rate reduction available
  • Surge protection program
  • Time-of-Use rates
  • Business development assistance

Call 919-863-6300 or 1-800-474-6300 or email for more information on any of the above programs.

Small General Service Schedule

Available in all territory served by the Cooperative, subject to the established Service Rules and Regulations of the Cooperative.

This schedule is applicable to all non-residential service where measured kW demand is 50 kW or less, excluding seasonal accounts. When the metered kW demand exceeds 50 kW three consecutive months, the service will be transferred to the LGS rate.


Single-phase, 60-cycles, 120/240 volts, or three-phase, 60 cycles, 120/208 volts, 240/480 volts, 277/480 volts, or three-phase voltages other than the foregoing, subject to mutual agreement between the Cooperative and the Member.

    • Single-Phase: $ 15.00 where 10 kVA or less of transformer capacity is required.
    • Multi-Phase: $ 30.00 where 30 kVA or less of transformer capacity is required.
    • For members requiring more than 10 kVA of transformer capacity for single-phase service or 30 kVA of transformer capacity for multi-phase service, the minimum monthly bill shall be increased by $1.75 per kVA for each additional kVA or fraction thereof required. Where it is necessary to extend or reenforce existing distribution facilities, the minimum monthly charge may be increased to assure adequate compensation for the added facilities.
  • SALES TAX Any applicable State and local sales taxes will be added to all services billed under this schedule.
  • TERMS OF PAYMENT All bills are due and payable on the date of the bill; and if not previously paid, shall be considered past due 25 days thereafter.
  • SERVICE AT PRIMARY VOLTAGE Service may be furnished at primary voltage upon agreement between the Cooperative and the Consumer.
  • TEMPORARY SERVICE Service may be extended to temporary users upon request, but the applicant shall be required to pay the cost of installing and removing the required facilities. The Cooperative may require the applicant to make said deposit in advance. In addition to said charge for installation and removal of facilities, the applicant may be required to make a deposit in advance sufficient to cover the charge for any energy anticipated to be supplied. Any difference between the deposit and the actual charge for energy used will be charged to or refunded to the consumer, as the case may be.

Monthly Rate Plan

Monthly Facilities Charges:

Single-Phase $29.00
Three-Phase $48.00

Demand Charges:

0 – 25 kW $0.00 per kW
> 25kW  $7.35 per kW

Energy Charges:

First 1,000 kWhs per month 12.450 ¢ per kWh

Next 2,500 kWhs per month 11.250 ¢ per kWh

All kWhs over 3,500 kWhs per month 10.00 ¢ per kWh

Large General Service Schedule

Available in all territory served by the Cooperative, subject to the established Service Rules and Regulations of the Cooperative.

This schedule is applicable to all non-residential service where measured demand is in excess of 50 kW. This schedule is not available to bulk tobacco barns.


Single-phase, 120 volts, single-phase 120/240 volts, or three-phase, 120/240 volts, 240/480 volts or 277/ 480 volts, subject to mutual agreement between the Cooperative and the Member.

  • MINIMUM MONTHLY CHARGE The minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be the greater of:  1. The Contract Minimum, 2. $1.75 per installed kVA of transformer capacity, or 3. The Monthly Facilities Charge.
  • DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMAND The billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the member for any period of fifteen consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered, as indicated or recorded by a demand meter, and adjusted for power factor as provided hereafter.
  • POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT The Consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. The Cooperative reserves the right to measure such power factor at the time of the maximum demand. If the measured power factor is less than 95 percent, the demand for billing purposes shall be the demand as indicated or recorded by the demand meter multiplied by 95 percent and divided by the measured power factor at maximum demand. Demand charges will be adjusted for consumers with 50 kW or more of measured demand to correct for power factor lower than 95 percent, and may be so adjusted for other consumers if and when the Cooperative deems it necessary.
  • TEMPORARY SERVICE Service may be extended to temporary users upon request, but the applicant shall be required to pay the cost of installing and removing the required facilities. The Cooperative may require the applicant to make said deposit in advance. In addition to said charge for installation and removal of facilities, the applicant may be required to make a deposit in advance sufficient to cover the charge for any energy anticipated to be supplied. Any difference between the deposit and the actual charge for energy used will be charged to or refunded to the consumer, as the case may be.
  • SERVICE AT PRIMARY VOLTAGE Service may be furnished at primary voltage upon agreement between the Cooperative and the Consumer.
  • SALES TAX Any applicable State and local sales taxes will be added to all services billed under this schedule.
  • TERMS OF PAYMENT All bills are due and payable on the date of the bill; and if not previously paid, shall be considered past due 25 days thereafter.

Monthly Rate Plan

Monthly Facilities Charges:

Charge $110.00

Demand Charges:

First 50 kW per month $1.65 per kW
All kW over 50 per month $4.95 per kW

Energy Charges:

First 4,500 kWhs per month 11.34 ¢ per kWh
Next 12,00 kWhs per month 7.50 ¢ per kWh
All kWhs over 16,500 per month 6.98 ¢ per kWh

Small General Time-of-Use Service Schedule

Available on a voluntary basis in all territory served by the Cooperative, subject to the established Service Rules and Regulations of the Cooperative. Availability of this schedule may be limited to the availability of appropriate meters.

This schedule is applicable to all non-residential service where measured kW demand is 50 kW or less, excluding seasonal accounts. When the metered kW demand exceeds 50 kW three consecutive months, the service will be transferred to the LGS or LGS–TOU rate.


Single-phase, 60-cycles, 120/240 volts, or three-phase, 60 cycles, 120/208 volts, 240/480 volts, 277/480 volts, or three-phase voltages other than the foregoing, subject to mutual agreement between the Cooperative and the Member.

Monthly Rate Plan

Monthly Facilities Charges:

Single-Phase $31.00
Three-Phase $52.00

Demand Charges:

On-Peak kW $13.75 per kW
Off-Peak kW $1.75 per kW

Energy Charge:

All kWhs 7.48 ¢ per kWh

  • MINIMUM MONTHLY CHARGE The minimum monthly charge under this schedule shall be the appropriate Monthly Facilities Charge.
    • On-Peak Hours:
      • October 16 – April 30 The on-peak hours are defined as the hours between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., Monday through Friday.
      • May 1 – October 15 The on-peak hours are defined as the hours between 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday 
    • Off-Peak Hours: The off-peak hours in any month are defined as all hours not specified above as on-peak hours. In addition to the above listed off-peak periods the following holidays are considered off-peak: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after, and Christmas Day.
  • DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMAND The on-peak demand for billing purposes each month shall be the maximum kilowatt demand measured for any period of fifteen consecutive minutes during the on-peak hours in the month for which the bill is rendered. The off-peak demand shall be the consumer’s maximum monthly kilowatt demand for any consecutive fifteen-minute period during the off-peak hours in the month the bill is rendered.
  • CONTRACT PERIOD Any consumer choosing to be served under this time-of-use schedule must remain on the schedule for at least one year, unless the consumer agrees to pay the Cooperative a fee of twenty dollars ($20) to cover administrative tasks associated with changing the rate.
  • SALES TAX Any applicable State and local sales taxes will be added to all services billed under this schedule.
  • TERMS OF PAYMENT All bills are due and payable on the date of the bill; and if not previously paid, shall be considered past due 25 days thereafter.

Large General Time-of-Use Service Schedule

Available in all territory served by the Cooperative on a voluntary basis, subject to the established Service Rules and Regulations of the Cooperative. The number of accounts may be limited to meter availability.

This schedule is applicable to all non-residential service where measured demand is in excess of 50 kW. This schedule is not available to seasonal accounts.


The type of service available under this Rider is single-phase, 60-cycles, 120/240 volts or threephase, 60-cycles, 120/208 volts, 240/480 volts, 277/480 volts, or three-phase voltages other than the foregoing, subject to mutual agreement between the Cooperative and Member.

Monthly Rate Plan

Monthly Facilities Charge:

Charge $115.00

Demand Charges:

On-Peak kW $15.75 per kW
Off-Peak kW $1.75 per kW

Energy Charges:

On-Peak kWhs 5.71¢ per kWh
Off-Peak kWhs 4.50¢ per kWh

  • MINIMUM MONTHLY CHARGE The minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be the greater of: 1. The Contract Minimum, 2. $1.75 per installed kVA of transformer capacity, or 3. The Monthly Facilities Charge.
    • On-Peak Hours:
      • October 16 – April 30 The on-peak hours are defined as the hours between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Monday through Friday.
      • May 1 – October 15  The on-peak hours are defined as the hours between 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    • Off-Peak Hours: The off-peak hours in any month are defined as all hours not specified above as on-peak hours. In addition to the above listed off-peak periods the following holidays are considered offpeak: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after, and Christmas Day.
  • DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMAND The on-peak demand for billing purposes each month shall be the maximum kilowatt demand measured for any period of fifteen consecutive minutes during the on-peak hours in the month for which the bill is rendered. The off-peak demand shall be the consumer’s maximum monthly kilowatt demand for any consecutive fifteen-minute period during the off-peak hours in the month for which the bill is rendered.
  • POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT The Consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. The Cooperative reserves the right to measure such power factor at the time of the maximum demand. If the measured power factor is less than 95 percent, the demand for billing purposes shall be the demand as indicated or recorded by the demand meter multiplied by 95 percent and divided by the measured power factor at maximum demand. Demand charges will be adjusted for consumers with 50 kW or more of measured demand to correct for power factor lower than 95 percent, and may be so adjusted for other consumers if and when the Cooperative deems it necessary.
  • SERVICE AT PRIMARY VOLTAGE Service may be furnished at primary voltage upon agreement between the Cooperative and the Consumer.
  • COMPARATIVE RATE SERVICE This rate may be given as a comparison only for those interested in the rate. The comparison is limited by meter availability and shall run no longer than six (6) months. Members choosing the comparative rate service will be billed under the Large General Service Rate. Upon contracting with the Cooperative, future billing will be made under this rate LGS-TOU.
  • CONTRACT PERIOD The contract period shall not be less than one year.
  • SALES TAX Any applicable State and local sales taxes will be added to all services billed under this schedule.
  • TERMS OF PAYMENT All bills are due and payable on the date of the bill; and if not previously paid, shall be considered past due 25 days thereafter.

Large General Coincident Peak Time-of-Use Service Schedule

Available on a voluntary basis in all territory served by the Cooperative, subject to the established Service Rules and Regulations of the Cooperative. Availability of this schedule may be limited to the availability of appropriate meters.

This schedule is applicable to all year round non-residential consumers who can demonstrate, to the Cooperative’s satisfaction, that they have the ability to reduce their demand by a minimum of 50 kW, upon receiving the Cooperative’s load control signal.


Single-phase, 60-cycles, 120/240 volts, or three-phase, 60 cycles, 120/208 volts, 120/240 volts, 240/480 volts, 277/480 volts, or three-phase voltages other than the foregoing, subject to mutual agreement between the Cooperative and the Member.

Monthly Rate Plan

Monthly Facilities Charge:

Charge $115.00

Demand Charges:

Coincident Peak kWh $15.30 per kW
Noncoincident Peak kW $2.74 per kW

Energy Charge:

All kWhs 6.11 ¢ per kWh

  • MINIMUM MONTHLY CHARGE The minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be the greater of: 1. The Contract Minimum, 2. $1.25 per installed kVA of transformer capacity, or 3. The Monthly Facilities Charge..
  • DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMANDS The Coincident Peak Demand shall be equal to the consumer’s maximum rate of electric use during any sixty-minute period, measured in clock hour intervals, expressed in kW, in which the Cooperative is operating their Load Management System to control load on their system during the month for which the bill is rendered, as indicated or recorded by a demand meter.
    • The Noncoincident Demand shall be the highest of the following: 1. The maximum kilowatt demand for any consecutive fifteen-minute period within the month for which the bill is rendered, as indicated or recorded by a demand meter. The Noncoincident Demand may be adjusted for power factor as provided below, or 2. The minimum billing demand provided for in the Power Contract.
  • POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT The Consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. The Cooperative reserves the right to measure such power factor at the time of the maximum demand. If the measured power factor is less than 95 percent, the demand for billing purposes shall be the demand as indicated or recorded by the demand meter multiplied by 95 percent and divided by the measured power factor at maximum demand. Demand charges will be adjusted for consumers with 50 kW or more of measured demand to correct for power factor lower than 95 percent, and may be so adjusted for other consumers if and when the Cooperative deems it necessary. 
  • EXPOSURE PERIODS The Cooperative will make every reasonable effort to notify the Consumer with a load control signal when the Cooperative anticipates their wholesale supplier is approaching its monthly system peak. The times the Cooperative will most likely go into load control or “exposure periods” are:
    • A. For service used beginning at 12:00 midnight April 30 and ending at 12:00 midnight September 30, the hours of greatest exposure to load control are the hours between 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    • B. Service used beginning at 12:00 midnight September 30 and ending at 12:00 midnight April 30, the hours of greatest exposure to load control are the hours between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., plus 2:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The exposure periods are based upon the times the Cooperative’s power supplier has historically established its monthly system peak. The Cooperative does not, however, warrant that all control periods will be within the exposure periods outlined above.

  • SERVICE AT PRIMARY VOLTAGE Service may be furnished at primary voltage upon agreement between the Cooperative and the Consumer.
  • CONTRACT PERIOD The contract period shall not be less than one year. 
  • SALES TAX Any applicable State and local sales taxes will be added to all services billed under this schedule.
  • TERMS OF PAYMENT All bills are due and payable on the date of the bill; and if not previously paid, shall be considered past due 25 days thereafter.
I have a small business

Small General Service Schedule

Available in all territory served by the Cooperative, subject to the established Service Rules and Regulations of the Cooperative.

This schedule is applicable to all non-residential service where measured kW demand is 50 kW or less, excluding seasonal accounts. When the metered kW demand exceeds 50 kW three consecutive months, the service will be transferred to the LGS rate.


Single-phase, 60-cycles, 120/240 volts, or three-phase, 60 cycles, 120/208 volts, 240/480 volts, 277/480 volts, or three-phase voltages other than the foregoing, subject to mutual agreement between the Cooperative and the Member.

    • Single-Phase: $ 15.00 where 10 kVA or less of transformer capacity is required.
    • Multi-Phase: $ 30.00 where 30 kVA or less of transformer capacity is required.
    • For members requiring more than 10 kVA of transformer capacity for single-phase service or 30 kVA of transformer capacity for multi-phase service, the minimum monthly bill shall be increased by $1.75 per kVA for each additional kVA or fraction thereof required. Where it is necessary to extend or reenforce existing distribution facilities, the minimum monthly charge may be increased to assure adequate compensation for the added facilities.
  • SALES TAX Any applicable State and local sales taxes will be added to all services billed under this schedule.
  • TERMS OF PAYMENT All bills are due and payable on the date of the bill; and if not previously paid, shall be considered past due 25 days thereafter.
  • SERVICE AT PRIMARY VOLTAGE Service may be furnished at primary voltage upon agreement between the Cooperative and the Consumer.
  • TEMPORARY SERVICE Service may be extended to temporary users upon request, but the applicant shall be required to pay the cost of installing and removing the required facilities. The Cooperative may require the applicant to make said deposit in advance. In addition to said charge for installation and removal of facilities, the applicant may be required to make a deposit in advance sufficient to cover the charge for any energy anticipated to be supplied. Any difference between the deposit and the actual charge for energy used will be charged to or refunded to the consumer, as the case may be.

Monthly Rate Plan

Monthly Facilities Charges:

Single-Phase $29.00
Three-Phase $48.00

Demand Charges:

0 – 25 kW $0.00 per kW
> 25kW  $7.35 per kW

Energy Charges:

First 1,000 kWhs per month 12.450 ¢ per kWh

Next 2,500 kWhs per month 11.250 ¢ per kWh

All kWhs over 3,500 kWhs per month 10.00 ¢ per kWh

I have a large business

Large General Service Schedule

Available in all territory served by the Cooperative, subject to the established Service Rules and Regulations of the Cooperative.

This schedule is applicable to all non-residential service where measured demand is in excess of 50 kW. This schedule is not available to bulk tobacco barns.


Single-phase, 120 volts, single-phase 120/240 volts, or three-phase, 120/240 volts, 240/480 volts or 277/ 480 volts, subject to mutual agreement between the Cooperative and the Member.

  • MINIMUM MONTHLY CHARGE The minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be the greater of:  1. The Contract Minimum, 2. $1.75 per installed kVA of transformer capacity, or 3. The Monthly Facilities Charge.
  • DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMAND The billing demand shall be the maximum kilowatt demand established by the member for any period of fifteen consecutive minutes during the month for which the bill is rendered, as indicated or recorded by a demand meter, and adjusted for power factor as provided hereafter.
  • POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT The Consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. The Cooperative reserves the right to measure such power factor at the time of the maximum demand. If the measured power factor is less than 95 percent, the demand for billing purposes shall be the demand as indicated or recorded by the demand meter multiplied by 95 percent and divided by the measured power factor at maximum demand. Demand charges will be adjusted for consumers with 50 kW or more of measured demand to correct for power factor lower than 95 percent, and may be so adjusted for other consumers if and when the Cooperative deems it necessary.
  • TEMPORARY SERVICE Service may be extended to temporary users upon request, but the applicant shall be required to pay the cost of installing and removing the required facilities. The Cooperative may require the applicant to make said deposit in advance. In addition to said charge for installation and removal of facilities, the applicant may be required to make a deposit in advance sufficient to cover the charge for any energy anticipated to be supplied. Any difference between the deposit and the actual charge for energy used will be charged to or refunded to the consumer, as the case may be.
  • SERVICE AT PRIMARY VOLTAGE Service may be furnished at primary voltage upon agreement between the Cooperative and the Consumer.
  • SALES TAX Any applicable State and local sales taxes will be added to all services billed under this schedule.
  • TERMS OF PAYMENT All bills are due and payable on the date of the bill; and if not previously paid, shall be considered past due 25 days thereafter.

Monthly Rate Plan

Monthly Facilities Charges:

Charge $110.00

Demand Charges:

First 50 kW per month $1.65 per kW
All kW over 50 per month $4.95 per kW

Energy Charges:

First 4,500 kWhs per month 11.34 ¢ per kWh
Next 12,00 kWhs per month 7.50 ¢ per kWh
All kWhs over 16,500 per month 6.98 ¢ per kWh

I have a small business and I'm flexible when I use energy

Small General Time-of-Use Service Schedule

Available on a voluntary basis in all territory served by the Cooperative, subject to the established Service Rules and Regulations of the Cooperative. Availability of this schedule may be limited to the availability of appropriate meters.

This schedule is applicable to all non-residential service where measured kW demand is 50 kW or less, excluding seasonal accounts. When the metered kW demand exceeds 50 kW three consecutive months, the service will be transferred to the LGS or LGS–TOU rate.


Single-phase, 60-cycles, 120/240 volts, or three-phase, 60 cycles, 120/208 volts, 240/480 volts, 277/480 volts, or three-phase voltages other than the foregoing, subject to mutual agreement between the Cooperative and the Member.

Monthly Rate Plan

Monthly Facilities Charges:

Single-Phase $31.00
Three-Phase $52.00

Demand Charges:

On-Peak kW $13.75 per kW
Off-Peak kW $1.75 per kW

Energy Charge:

All kWhs 7.48 ¢ per kWh

  • MINIMUM MONTHLY CHARGE The minimum monthly charge under this schedule shall be the appropriate Monthly Facilities Charge.
    • On-Peak Hours:
      • October 16 – April 30 The on-peak hours are defined as the hours between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., Monday through Friday.
      • May 1 – October 15 The on-peak hours are defined as the hours between 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday 
    • Off-Peak Hours: The off-peak hours in any month are defined as all hours not specified above as on-peak hours. In addition to the above listed off-peak periods the following holidays are considered off-peak: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after, and Christmas Day.
  • DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMAND The on-peak demand for billing purposes each month shall be the maximum kilowatt demand measured for any period of fifteen consecutive minutes during the on-peak hours in the month for which the bill is rendered. The off-peak demand shall be the consumer’s maximum monthly kilowatt demand for any consecutive fifteen-minute period during the off-peak hours in the month the bill is rendered.
  • CONTRACT PERIOD Any consumer choosing to be served under this time-of-use schedule must remain on the schedule for at least one year, unless the consumer agrees to pay the Cooperative a fee of twenty dollars ($20) to cover administrative tasks associated with changing the rate.
  • SALES TAX Any applicable State and local sales taxes will be added to all services billed under this schedule.
  • TERMS OF PAYMENT All bills are due and payable on the date of the bill; and if not previously paid, shall be considered past due 25 days thereafter.
I have a large business and I'm flexible when I use energy

Large General Time-of-Use Service Schedule

Available in all territory served by the Cooperative on a voluntary basis, subject to the established Service Rules and Regulations of the Cooperative. The number of accounts may be limited to meter availability.

This schedule is applicable to all non-residential service where measured demand is in excess of 50 kW. This schedule is not available to seasonal accounts.


The type of service available under this Rider is single-phase, 60-cycles, 120/240 volts or threephase, 60-cycles, 120/208 volts, 240/480 volts, 277/480 volts, or three-phase voltages other than the foregoing, subject to mutual agreement between the Cooperative and Member.

Monthly Rate Plan

Monthly Facilities Charge:

Charge $115.00

Demand Charges:

On-Peak kW $15.75 per kW
Off-Peak kW $1.75 per kW

Energy Charges:

On-Peak kWhs 5.71¢ per kWh
Off-Peak kWhs 4.50¢ per kWh

  • MINIMUM MONTHLY CHARGE The minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be the greater of: 1. The Contract Minimum, 2. $1.75 per installed kVA of transformer capacity, or 3. The Monthly Facilities Charge.
    • On-Peak Hours:
      • October 16 – April 30 The on-peak hours are defined as the hours between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Monday through Friday.
      • May 1 – October 15  The on-peak hours are defined as the hours between 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    • Off-Peak Hours: The off-peak hours in any month are defined as all hours not specified above as on-peak hours. In addition to the above listed off-peak periods the following holidays are considered offpeak: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after, and Christmas Day.
  • DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMAND The on-peak demand for billing purposes each month shall be the maximum kilowatt demand measured for any period of fifteen consecutive minutes during the on-peak hours in the month for which the bill is rendered. The off-peak demand shall be the consumer’s maximum monthly kilowatt demand for any consecutive fifteen-minute period during the off-peak hours in the month for which the bill is rendered.
  • POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT The Consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. The Cooperative reserves the right to measure such power factor at the time of the maximum demand. If the measured power factor is less than 95 percent, the demand for billing purposes shall be the demand as indicated or recorded by the demand meter multiplied by 95 percent and divided by the measured power factor at maximum demand. Demand charges will be adjusted for consumers with 50 kW or more of measured demand to correct for power factor lower than 95 percent, and may be so adjusted for other consumers if and when the Cooperative deems it necessary.
  • SERVICE AT PRIMARY VOLTAGE Service may be furnished at primary voltage upon agreement between the Cooperative and the Consumer.
  • COMPARATIVE RATE SERVICE This rate may be given as a comparison only for those interested in the rate. The comparison is limited by meter availability and shall run no longer than six (6) months. Members choosing the comparative rate service will be billed under the Large General Service Rate. Upon contracting with the Cooperative, future billing will be made under this rate LGS-TOU.
  • CONTRACT PERIOD The contract period shall not be less than one year.
  • SALES TAX Any applicable State and local sales taxes will be added to all services billed under this schedule.
  • TERMS OF PAYMENT All bills are due and payable on the date of the bill; and if not previously paid, shall be considered past due 25 days thereafter.
I own a large business and can reduce demand upon request

Large General Coincident Peak Time-of-Use Service Schedule

Available on a voluntary basis in all territory served by the Cooperative, subject to the established Service Rules and Regulations of the Cooperative. Availability of this schedule may be limited to the availability of appropriate meters.

This schedule is applicable to all year round non-residential consumers who can demonstrate, to the Cooperative’s satisfaction, that they have the ability to reduce their demand by a minimum of 50 kW, upon receiving the Cooperative’s load control signal.


Single-phase, 60-cycles, 120/240 volts, or three-phase, 60 cycles, 120/208 volts, 120/240 volts, 240/480 volts, 277/480 volts, or three-phase voltages other than the foregoing, subject to mutual agreement between the Cooperative and the Member.

Monthly Rate Plan

Monthly Facilities Charge:

Charge $115.00

Demand Charges:

Coincident Peak kWh $15.30 per kW
Noncoincident Peak kW $2.74 per kW

Energy Charge:

All kWhs 6.11 ¢ per kWh

  • MINIMUM MONTHLY CHARGE The minimum monthly charge under the above rate shall be the greater of: 1. The Contract Minimum, 2. $1.25 per installed kVA of transformer capacity, or 3. The Monthly Facilities Charge..
  • DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMANDS The Coincident Peak Demand shall be equal to the consumer’s maximum rate of electric use during any sixty-minute period, measured in clock hour intervals, expressed in kW, in which the Cooperative is operating their Load Management System to control load on their system during the month for which the bill is rendered, as indicated or recorded by a demand meter.
    • The Noncoincident Demand shall be the highest of the following: 1. The maximum kilowatt demand for any consecutive fifteen-minute period within the month for which the bill is rendered, as indicated or recorded by a demand meter. The Noncoincident Demand may be adjusted for power factor as provided below, or 2. The minimum billing demand provided for in the Power Contract.
  • POWER FACTOR ADJUSTMENT The Consumer agrees to maintain unity power factor as nearly as practicable. The Cooperative reserves the right to measure such power factor at the time of the maximum demand. If the measured power factor is less than 95 percent, the demand for billing purposes shall be the demand as indicated or recorded by the demand meter multiplied by 95 percent and divided by the measured power factor at maximum demand. Demand charges will be adjusted for consumers with 50 kW or more of measured demand to correct for power factor lower than 95 percent, and may be so adjusted for other consumers if and when the Cooperative deems it necessary. 
  • EXPOSURE PERIODS The Cooperative will make every reasonable effort to notify the Consumer with a load control signal when the Cooperative anticipates their wholesale supplier is approaching its monthly system peak. The times the Cooperative will most likely go into load control or “exposure periods” are:
    • A. For service used beginning at 12:00 midnight April 30 and ending at 12:00 midnight September 30, the hours of greatest exposure to load control are the hours between 1:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    • B. Service used beginning at 12:00 midnight September 30 and ending at 12:00 midnight April 30, the hours of greatest exposure to load control are the hours between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., plus 2:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The exposure periods are based upon the times the Cooperative’s power supplier has historically established its monthly system peak. The Cooperative does not, however, warrant that all control periods will be within the exposure periods outlined above.

  • SERVICE AT PRIMARY VOLTAGE Service may be furnished at primary voltage upon agreement between the Cooperative and the Consumer.
  • CONTRACT PERIOD The contract period shall not be less than one year. 
  • SALES TAX Any applicable State and local sales taxes will be added to all services billed under this schedule.
  • TERMS OF PAYMENT All bills are due and payable on the date of the bill; and if not previously paid, shall be considered past due 25 days thereafter.

To sign up for one of these rates, call 800.474.6300 or 919.863.6300 or email us at and include the following information: First and last name, account number, daytime telephone number, and email address.

Renewable Energy, Sustainability, & Vegetation Management Programs