About Program
Wake Electric’s Classroom Technology Awards (CTA) program awards local educators up to $3,000 for specific educational technology such as computers, tablets, 3D printers, Chromebooks, SMART boards, software, etc. The technology must benefit the students in the classroom. Please note that the Classroom Technology Awards and Bright Ideas grant program are two separate and distinct programs.
Public tuition-free school (grades K-12) and community college teachers in Durham, Franklin, Granville, Johnston, Nash, Vance and Wake counties are eligible to apply.
The deadline for 2024-2025 applications was September 15th. Applications will open for 2025-2026 on April 1!
Areas of interest to our judges are originality, creativity, innovation, grammar, punctuation, and thoroughness. Wake Electric will award up to $20,000 total in Classroom Technology Awards funds.
If you have received a CTA grant in the past, in order to be eligible to receive a 2025 grant, you must provide a one-page typed summary of the project outlining how the project proved successful and/or benefited your students. Photos and samples of projects are welcomed and encouraged.