Wake Electric to Conduct Meter Inspections

Wake Electric is gearing up for an extensive inspection campaign set to cover every meter within its territory, marking the most comprehensive effort in the last ten years. Starting this January, this ongoing project is slated to extend through 2025, systematically progressing from the southernmost regions to the northern expanses of Wake Electric’s territory. The primary objective is to guarantee the efficient and secure operation of all electrical equipment owned by members through a thorough examination of each meter on the system.
Today’s meters utilize advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) technology, which involves storing data on electric usage, outages, and voltage. This information is securely communicated to the co-op office through a wireless network. Before the widespread adoption of this advanced technology cooperative employees conducted monthly, in-person meter readings, allowing for regular inspections. With the extensive use of this technology, readings are now done remotely, enhancing efficiency but eliminating the advantage of on-site inspections by technicians. This initiative aims to guarantee that all of Wake Electric’s meters meet the required standards.
Key areas of focus during this inspection initiative include:
- Verification of Meter Information:
- Confirming the accuracy of meter numbers at each location.
- Accurate Meter Reading:
- Manually recording time-stamped readings to ensure precision.
- Identification of Electrical Hazards:
- Detecting potential hazards, including:
- Detached or unsecured meter bases.
- Downed service wires.
- Detached service entrance cables.
- Missing ground wires.
- Broken guy wires.
- Evidence of meter tampering.
- Broken seals.
- Missing or stolen meters.
- Open meter bases.
- Unidentified wires in the meter or meter base.
- Unauthorized services connected.
- Detecting potential hazards, including:
- Identification of Idle Services:
- Recognizing services that may be suitable for retirement, optimizing our system for efficiency.
Members are encouraged to be on the lookout for contractors, easily identifiable by the Wake Electric logo on their clothing and vehicles, as they perform these vital inspections. Cooperation from members is pivotal for the success of these inspections, and timely alerts will be dispatched via SmartHub to notify members when contractors are expected in their area, focusing on specific substation meters.
For those not yet enrolled in SmartHub, now is a great to sign up and stay informed about the start of contractor work in your community. You’ll just need a valid email address and your account number. Click here to create a SmartHub account. For help in registering, view our tutorial videos below or call us at 1.800.474.6300