Stay cool during the dog days of summer

It’s the hottest time of the year, but you can take a few cues from Fido to stay cool during these dog days of summer and keep a tight leash on energy use!

  • Throw your air conditioner a bone. When it is hot outside, your air conditioner needs all the help it can get. Open interior doors and vents to help air circulate and reduce the time your HVAC system has to run. Along with that, close exterior doors, windows, blinds, shades or curtains to help keep the heat of the day out and cooled air in.
  • Put your energy use on “paws.” Waiting to use major appliances, especially those that generate heat like the clothes dryer and dishwasher, until the late evening, overnight or early morning hours can help your home stay cooler. Also avoid using an indoor oven or stove and grill out or try a cold meal like a salad instead. Go to for inspiration! In addition, if you go out to eat, ask for a “doggie bag” and eat the leftovers the next day instead of fixing another meal.
  • Fetch a fan for easy savings. Instead of turning down the thermostat, opt for a ceiling or portable fan. Make sure your ceiling fan turns counterclockwise during hot weather to push cool air down. Remember to turn fans off when you are not using them; fans cool you, not the room.