Wake Forest, NC— It’s been a year since we introduced the Member Advisory Community, an on-line extension of our in-person Member Advisory Committee. Our intent was to briefly discuss a single topic each month that Wake Electric members would find interesting and relevant.

The following topics were covered in the first year: 1) New Meter Technology, 2) Pre-Pay, 3) Green Button Data, 4) Meeting the Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard, 5) NC Clean Smokestacks Act, 6) Considering an Electric Vehicle?, 7) Carbon Dioxide = Air Pollution?, 8) Are Wood Pellets Green?, 9) Net Zero Energy?, 10) “Avoided Cost” Value of Solar, 11) Generation Cost Estimates & 12) “Social Costs” of Energy Choices.

While some of these topics are somewhat controversial, we understand that Wake Electric serves a diverse membership with many diverse viewpoints. While we certainly have our own perspective as well, we try to present the topics with a balanced approach that leaves room for other opinions. We also wanted to provide an opportunity for feedback, just as with our in-person meetings. We have received dozens of your questions and comments. We find this exchange of ideas and viewpoints very helpful in developing and refining Wake Electric’s position on these issues.

Have you found these posts to be helpful? What topics would you like to see covered in the future? Is there a better way to present these topics?

You can contact us by e-mail us at MAC@wemc.com.

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